Marco Adamo

Marco Adamo

Marco Adamo after obtaining a master degree in Natural Sciences started his research activities in the field of Applied Ecology. In 2005-2006 he served at the National University of Mongolia in UlanBator on behalf of the Institue of Italian Culture of Beijing. Taking advantage of the opportunity offered by the abroad position He could broaden his research activities from purely naturalistic to the geographical ones, studying the effects of political and institutional changes on the demographic transition of Mongolia. Following this experience, he attended and successfully completed, the twenty-first cycle of the PhD in Geopolitics, Geo-economics and Geostrategy of the University of Trieste. In 2009, after obtaining a research scholarship (Lagrange project) He has had the chance to begin his collaboration with IRES Piemonte. In 2010 he won a competition for a triennial fixed term contract in IRES on the technical assistance of the RDP 2007 - 2013 of Piedmont and on conducting studies and research on the regional agricultural sector and rural development policies. In 2012 he attended the summer school in the evaluation of public policies organized by ASVAPP. By working continuously with the IRES has developed a Scenario study on the effects of the CAP's direct payments reform on the agricultural sector. He contributed to produce economic research reports on agriculture and rural development, actively collaborated to the SWOT analysis and to the identification of needs for the RDP 2014-2020. Currently is in the group of the RDP 204-2020 evaluation. In this context, in addition to participating in Board activities of the working group, He has the specific responsibility of the evaluation of the interventions of the RDP aimed to local development in rural areas.

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