From Higher Education to Work

giovanitrnsizione lavoroscuola Il Workshop on Transitions from Higher Education to Work in Comparative Perspective,si svolge all'Ires piemonte giovedì 23 marzo dalle 14,30 alle 17 e venerdì 24 marzo dalle 9,30 alle 13,00 nell'ambito delle attività dell’Osservatorio sull’immigrazione.
E' prevista la presenza di Yael Brinbaum, Flavio Ceravolo, Maurice Crul, Davide Donatiello, Michael Eve, Elif Keskiner, Leila Oumeddour, Irene Ponzo, Marco Romito, Arianna Santero, Jens Schneider, Paola Versino.
At the meeting of the Standing Committee on Education at the Imiscoe Conference in Prague, several people expressed interest in a workshop investigating children of immigrants’ experience at university and transition to the skilled labour market.
In a context of the democratization of secondary education and expansion of higher education, a growing number of second generation youth are entering higher education. Therefore progress (and dropout) in higher education is of increasing intellectual and public importance. In addition, more ethnic minority graduates from higher education should have access to the upper layers of the labour market. Research on this issue of transition to the skilled labour market has been developed in the different national contexts but comparative work is still limited. Yet this aspect of social mobility into the upper and middle classes is an essential aspect of the overall question of social “integration” which avoids a situation where descendants of migrants are blocked in the lower layers of the occupational structure. The context is widely different in different nations, in terms of the selection in higher education and the prestige hierarchies of universities, the labour market structure, and openings provided by the labour market in particular professions, and the time it takes to enter into a stable work. Issues such as, experience in internships and in the labour market immediately following graduation, job search, trajectories in the labour market and experience of discrimination, relationships with colleagues within and outside the office are aspects which are insufficiently investigated in the literature and deserve wider investigation. By describing the trajectories from tertiary education to work in the different contexts, we will analyze the opportunities, obstacles and penalties encountered by second generation youth, according to their ethnic origins and their educational trajectories in particular. We will link this experience of young people with the respective role the different institutions (such as Universities, public agencies, family, associations), people and companies play in the transition to work process in different countries.

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