Silvia Venturelli

Silvia Venturelli

After graduating in Psychology and obtaining the professional license, she earned a master's degree in Equal Opportunities. Since 2003 she devoted herself to the social inclusion of vulnerable persons issues, providing technical assistance to Regions, Provinces, Municipalities, employers and trade organizations and other institutions for project design and management of complex partnerships at the local, national and international level. Her work has focused on these issues: equal opportunities between women and men; domestic violence; social and labor inclusion of trafficked women, disabled persons and migrants. In 2011, together with twelve other people, she founded the social farm Cavoli Nostri in which she acts as social farmer. From 2010 to 2012 she worked with the Department of Equal Opportunities of the Prime Minister's Office as the Piedmont representative of the National Office Against Discriminations. After participating in some research on immigration, since 2013 she collaborates with IRES Piemonte through various projects - funded by UNAR, ESF, EIF, AMIF - on the issue of preventing and combating discrimination.

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