Ires vis-à-vis the research community in Piemonte

The panorama of applied socio-economic research has undergone an extraordinary upheaval since Ires started out. Big changes have transformed the researcher’s work. Above all very important transformation have affected social research’s demand and offer. Society has become much more complex and “liquid” and so has the market. Administrators and politicians alike have become more demanding and savvy.

Against this unsettled and complex backdrop Ires still plays an essential role in Piemonte. It is a well -known outfit able to offer both basic and applied research along with consulting activity and spot analysis for a large and diversified audience. It is fitting to cite how Ires has branded some of its successful analysis with evocative metaphors which in turn have morphed into everyday socio-economic discourse: from the “Three Piemonti” to “Change without innovation” to “Piemonte polycentric”.

For more information:

The current law:

1958 - 2008. Fifty years of Ires research on Piemonte:

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