Roberta Valetti

Roberta Valetti

Roberta Valetti is a researcher, graduated in modern letters with a thesis in social anthropology. Since 2003, at IRES Piemonte she has been involved in the management and development of the Piedmont Immigration Observatory and in the editorial activities of its web portal, www.piemonteimmigrazione. She is also engaged in the identification and selection of sources of funding, in the design and co-ordination of capacity building projects addressed to operators on legal affairs related to migration flows and action research projects for effective integration of migrants in the Piedmont context, financed by European Funds (European Integration Fund, EIF, and Asylum, migration and integration Fund, AMIF) and national funds (Society of San Paolo, Social Foundation). She has carried out research activities in the social field, with a special reference to the studies of migratory phenomena, at the University of Turin, research institutes, national and international organizations. On the these issues she participated in the design, from the conception to the implementation and management of national and European projects.

She is also founding partner of GrIS Piemonte (Immigration and Health Group of the Italian Society for Migration Medicine) and of the Chiaro e Tondo Association.

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