Martina Sabbadini

Martina Sabbadini

Martina Sabbadini earned a Law degree in 1998 and worked as a lawyer for three years, before deciding to devote herself to social inclusion of vulnerable people. Since 2001 she has been providing technical assistance to Regions, Provinces, municipalities, trade organizations, and other institutions helping them to design projects and manage complex partnerships at the local, national, and international level. She has worked in the fields of equal opportunities between women and men, domestic violence reporting, social and labor inclusion of: women victims of trafficking; disabled people and migrants. In 2009, while working for Save the Children Italy in Rome, she coordinated two European projects on the prevention of trafficking and exploitation of children. In 2011, with 12 other people, she founded the social and agricultural co-operative named Cavoli Nostri. Since 2013 she has been working for Coldiretti Torino and Ue.Coop Piemonte in the field of local development, social farming and social innovation in rural areas. Since 2016 she works at Ires Piemonte. She manages projects to prevent and fight discrimination and projects about the social inclusion of migrants, funded by the Asylum Migration Integration Fund (AMIF).

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