Chiara Rivoiro

Chiara Rivoiro

Chiara Rivoiro is a neurologist, PhD in Clinical Neuroscience. He holds a Master in Economics and Health Policy at the Consortium for Research and Continuing Education in Economics (Coripe Piemonte) in 2010 and a Masters in Health Technology Assessment and Management at the Catholic University of Sacred Heart in Rome. Since 2008, her work focused on the Health Technology Assessment for the Piedmont region: first at the Agency for Regional Health Services and then, from 2013, at the IRES. She collaborates with the National Agency for Health Services (A.Ge.Na.S), italian Regions and Experts for HTA report. Among her current interests: evaluation of health technology innovation, obsolescence and organizational models for provision of territorial care; conflicts of interest and the promotion of transparency in health care. Recent pubblications: Migliore A, Corio M, Perrini MR, Rivoiro C, Jefferson T. Transcatheter implantable devices for mitral valve repair in adults with chronic mitral valve regurgitation: rapid HTA report. Agenas, Agenzia nazionale per i servizi sanitari regionali. Rome, October 2015; Dirindin N, Caruso, Rivoiro C. Universalismo e vincoli di bilancio nella tutela della salute: una questione politica, prima ancora che finanziaria. Politiche Sociali: 3/2014, pp. 387-402.

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