Claudia Galetto

Claudia Galetto

Claudia Galetto is senior researcher. She has worked with IRES Piedmont since April 2017. She has worked for 26 years for Pracatinat s.c.p., an institution specialized in education, training and research in the field of sustainable development, and has been involved in the management and development of society. Graduated in Natural Sciences at the University of Turin. She has postgraduate training in organizational and territorial analysis and planning, and in education and training. She has carried out support functions - organizational consultancy, training and research activities - for the Piedmont Region and other Italian Regions, in the development of strategic systems and projects for sustainability education and local development. Some recent publications: "Green economy: out of the niche! Innovation and knowledge are the primary factors of development "(in MIUR, May 2014 edition); "About the History of Environmental Education: Instructions for Use" (in Journal of Environment, 2011); "The School in Widespread Territories" (in Hapax Publisher, 2010); "Adults and Teens in Research. Phase and Tools of a Research-Action Path on Adult-Teenage Relationships "(in Social Animation Magazine, 2009); "Critical dimensions of working together in local development processes: things that are never spoken of", (in Euro-mountains, INTERREG IIIC, 2007).

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