Giovanna Perino

Giovanna Perino

Giovanna Perino is a senior research at the Socio-Economic Research Institute of Regione Piemonte (IRES), when she works since 2004. In 1999 she graduated in Architecture at Politecnico di Torino and in 2013 she follows a PhD in  Territorial planning and local development. She has worked in various fields of regional analysis both in the public and private sector: facility and property management, real estate and housing; territorial, urban and rural planning, metropolitan systems; health sector and healthcare construction. From 2013 he has been working dealing with the scientific support for the planning of investments in healthcare construction and innovative criteria for the financing and realization of public works, especially the forms of Public Private Partnership. The healthcare construction theme is also developed through a reading of the new hospital facilities to the territorial and urban scale, such as major traffic attractors and important urban, metropolitan and sovra-local polarities.

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