Ludovica Lella

Ludovica Lella

Ludovica Lella has been an urban and regional planner and researcher at the Socio-Economic Research Institute of Piedmont since 2015. Her current responsibilities include making updates to the Regional Plan of Piedmont (PTR) and providing technical support for users of the FSC EU and Progetto Antenne. She worked previously with the Institute on a preparatory project for the drawing up of the Strategic Plan of the Città Metropolitana of Turin. In 2014, she worked at the Associazione Torino Strategica/Internazionale on tasks relating to the 3rd Strategic Plan of AMT, the Torino Metropoli 2025. Lella’s current research interests include strategic planning, socio-economic studies, and regional and geospatial analysis (GIS) at different scales. Recent publications: Riordino istituzionale e nuova pianificazione del territorio: il caso di Torino, in EyesReg, Vol.7, N.1, January 2017.

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